
Showing posts from April, 2024

Looking Back At The Past 2 Weeks

Perspectives Immediate or infinite. A different perspective as I look down at my feet and then up to the next bend in the road, if not out to the distant horizon. Immediate and infinite. I hold both in my hands and in my heart. Both guide my path. Immediate and infinite. My God has made them beautiful and is Lord of both.    The above is written by Steve Page and it really spoke to me! 

Visa Breakthrough

He had the solution before you had the problem He sees the best in you when you feel at your worst So in the questioning don't ever doubt His love for you 'Cause it's only in His love you'll find a breakthrough "Haven't Seen It Yet"  by Danny Gokey     I don't know how people don't really talk about having visa issues when living abroad. Maybe because they are working or studying so it's easier. But it hasn’t been easy getting a visa here in Brazil, adding to the fact that Brazil and Taiwan don't have a diplomatic relationship.      I'm very blessed to have the support of Aunt Corenne, Uncle Phil, my parents, and many other people for helping me in getting this volunteer visa to stay longer in Brazil. This process started in September of last year, and a document was rejected once so this whole visa application was taking longer than we thought. My parents and I were praying that God's hand would move and He would make a way!     It...

Tent Pegs Extended

 Tent Pegs Extended "The Christian should never worry about tomorrow or give sparingly because of a possible future need. Only the present moment is ours to serve the Lord, and tomorrow may never come... Life is worth as much as it is spent for the Lord's service." George Müller     If you know me, you'll know that I was blessed to be able to grow up in a Christ-centered home and in a little church called House of Praise in my little town called Neihu in Taipei, Taiwan. I grew to love the body of believers, the bride of Jesus Christ, especially after my DTS, visiting many churches in Chile and Argentina. I know serving doesn't define who I am as a daughter of my Heavenly Father, but there's a joy that can't be denied when I serve.      Since I've been here in Brazil, I haven't been able to serve much in a local body of believers. But God had His divine timing! What better timing to serve the house of the Lord for the first time after marking my 13t...

He Is Risen!

He is Risen! "The devil, darkness, and death may swagger and boast, the pangs of life will sting for a while longer, but don't worry; the forces of evil are breathing their last. Not to worry... He's risen!" Charles R. Swindoll      It was an amazing celebration of Jesus' resurrection. It was also a difficult time but Jesus was there with me every step of the way. I was very homesick. I missed my family. But through God given friends, I received comfort and joy. This was a period of time when I questioned God - why can't I bear the fruit of joy, but joy isn't just a feeling or an emotion. I know that God is in control and if I can still praise Him in the midst of missing my family, the joy will come! Thank God for lifting up my soul through the kind companionship of friends and the Holy Spirit. 8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed ; perplexed, but not driven to despair ; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed ; 10 alway...

Godly Friends

近朱者赤,近墨者黑 Birds of a Feather Flock Together      After Carnival, although everything seemed overwhelming, God was taking care of my body, soul and spirit. He knew exactly what I needed and He provided. A couple of weeks after Carnival, there was one Sunday where God provided new friends for me, friends who were closer to my age and who were godly. These weren't just ordinary friends. These were friends that were going to make a TRUE and POSITIVE difference in my life.       At first, God led me to meet one person after a Bible study at church. Then this person introduced me to a whole family, and little did I know that this family would soon become another home for me. They showed me lots of love even though they didn't know me. They were so welcoming and kind. The sweet grandma always asks me if I want something to eat. She thinks I'm too skinny! I met one of the cousins, and she said I can stay overnight at her house whenever I need to since I live s...

EYE on the PRIZE

EYE On The PRIZE What does it mean when God transforms us from glory to glory?     After the carnival madness, things were very different. We were exposed to the spiritual warfare that was happening around us. We recognized the need to put on the full armor of God. Every week, I led the boys to memorize a Bible verse. This has been going on for more than a month. We had a couple of worship and Bible reading sessions, but only the Bible verse memorization has been consistent. After encountering such spiritual warfare, I realized how unprepared I was and I needed to grow more in God's word and understanding of my spiritual authority in Jesus Christ. My mom introduced me to a free online course about spiritual authority through Novo. You can look it up, too. I sent a newsletter about the situation that happened during carnival. If you haven't read it and you would like to read it, please let me know. When I was overwhelmed, the Holy Spirit and my parents have been such a strong s...