Tent Pegs Extended

 Tent Pegs Extended

"The Christian should never worry about tomorrow or give sparingly because of a possible future need. Only the present moment is ours to serve the Lord, and tomorrow may never come... Life is worth as much as it is spent for the Lord's service."

George Müller

   If you know me, you'll know that I was blessed to be able to grow up in a Christ-centered home and in a little church called House of Praise in my little town called Neihu in Taipei, Taiwan. I grew to love the body of believers, the bride of Jesus Christ, especially after my DTS, visiting many churches in Chile and Argentina. I know serving doesn't define who I am as a daughter of my Heavenly Father, but there's a joy that can't be denied when I serve. 

    Since I've been here in Brazil, I haven't been able to serve much in a local body of believers. But God had His divine timing! What better timing to serve the house of the Lord for the first time after marking my 13th month of stay in Brazil!!?? I'm now in the reception ministry as a greeter!!! I love this opportunity to welcome those who come to our church!

    God taught me to be still and know that He is God. Now being able to serve doesn't mean I do not continue to be still, patient and reliant on God. Being able to serve means I must be even more still, quiet, patient and reliant on Him. And I must admit much of my serving has been in my own strength. This, I get stressed out and frustrated easily. These 13 months have not only taught me the beauty of God's timing, but also the true meaning of being a humble servant. I was listening to a podcast recently and the man shared that he often thinks of the donkey that Jesus rode on when entering Jerusalem. With all the dancing, singing, praising, laying down of palm branches and pieces of nice fabric on the ground, what was the donkey thinking? He mustn't think that the people were welcoming him, right? He was a humble servant used to bring glory to the King of kings and Lord of lords. And that's been in my head ever since, the humble donkey. 

    I got teary eyed when we had our pre-service meeting! Joy overflowed and radiated from within! God heard my cry, came to my rescue and brought me to green pasture and quiet water (Psalm 23:1-2). Thank you Jesus!!!

Amazing group of people helping me to learn how to be a greeter at church. They are all full of love. Some of them spoke English so I made new friends, too!!!

I'm a part of a soccer fan club. We donated blood together. It was also my 1st time donating blood in Brazil!!! I was super excited and happy!!! I love donating blood!!!

Caramelo has to be in my post. Here he is!

Cell group was lovely!!! I shared a little bit in Portuguese the first time.

Volleyball team!

Had a nice girls night with girls from church!

Family time!!!


  1. Ótima recepcionista, Ab!!!

    1. Obrigada! 💛 Ainda preciso aprender muito...

  2. Replies
    1. It’s one of the best ways to respond to all
      of God’s goodness and gifts through serving!


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