Visa Breakthrough

He had the solution before you had the problem
He sees the best in you when you feel at your worst
So in the questioning don't ever doubt His love for you
'Cause it's only in His love you'll find a breakthrough
"Haven't Seen It Yet" 
by Danny Gokey

    I don't know how people don't really talk about having visa issues when living abroad. Maybe because they are working or studying so it's easier. But it hasn’t been easy getting a visa here in Brazil, adding to the fact that Brazil and Taiwan don't have a diplomatic relationship. 

    I'm very blessed to have the support of Aunt Corenne, Uncle Phil, my parents, and many other people for helping me in getting this volunteer visa to stay longer in Brazil. This process started in September of last year, and a document was rejected once so this whole visa application was taking longer than we thought. My parents and I were praying that God's hand would move and He would make a way!

    It's amazing how the timing was just right that the visa has now been approved. April 11th was my parents' 37 wedding anniversary, and our lawyer submitted the renewed document on that same day. And five days later, the lawyer announced that the document was approved by the Ministry of Justice. 

    It was really special. God isn't a second late or a second early in fulfilling His promises. What seemed like a rejection to me, wasn't a rejection for Him. God continues to teach me how to be patient and to have His perspective. 

    "Haven't Seen It Yet" is a song by Danny Gokey. If you have time, go and listen to it. It spoke to me a lot when I was doing my DTS with YWAM. And it's true how God is our hope. I proclaim that He, the only true God, is my HOPE!

I will sing of the goodness and lovingkindness of the LORD forever; 

With my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness from generation to generation.

Psalms 89:1

    I was blessed to be able to go to a worship concert with my friend. It was absolutely amazing!!! The Holy Spirit spoke and stirred my heart! I am continually learning to rest on His truth and not on my ever changing emotions. God is constant; my emotions are not! He is the Rock which I am to build my life! He brings the breakthroughs! 

I will sing of His loving kindness forever! Great is His faithfulness!

 Had ramen afterwards!!! The Lord provides! Hahaha!


  1. That court thing was so interesting, didn't know you can do that on Facetime !!!!

  2. God brings the breakthroughs and the provisions !!!!!

  3. Benção demais!!


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