Giving God Everything

For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; 
it is I who say to you, 
"Fear not, I am the ONE who helps you."

Isaiah 41:13

    Heading into the 15th day of my fast, I've been working quite hard and trusting God in all things! I’ve been praying for God to bring more girls to join our volleyball team. On Monday, we had the most girls ever. We had 16 girls at practice. It went well. I think it's a little sad that I couldn't talk to all the newcomers but it's okay. 

    Updates about the boy who was in the psychiatric ward - he came back last week but he isn't doing well. At first, he came back happy. But the girl that he is in love with isn't in love with him! He has attempted  suicide many times already. This situation has weighed heavily on many of us. Please pray for wisdom for the people who are helping him to know what to do and what decisions to make. This is a rough season for this boy. Let's pray in Jesus' name that he will be freed and the Spirit of the Lord can enter his heart.

    Our church has been doing well. We had a wonderful service last week. The worship was amazing. I sung as they didn't need me on the keyboard. God was gracious to me as I didn't feel confident in singing in Portuguese. My confidence dropped even more when my voice sounded horrible through the mic during practice. But I left it in God's hands and He never disappoints. Many people shared that the worship went really well. Praise the LORD! 

    There's a topic that God has brought up for me to think about and pray about. It's the spirit of un-belonging. I was adopted when I was a baby. Don't get me wrong. I couldn't have had a better family. I hope you can understand what I'm saying. I think it's a generational curse that I bear from my birth mother. As I look back at my life, it's not only that I'm a third culture kid that makes me feel like I don't fit in or belong anywhere. I feel and think that there's something deeper in me. I'm trusting in God that He will reveal more of this to me. I don't have the spirit of abandonment. It's easy for me to make friends. But every time I get super close to a friend, I choose to walk away from the friendship. I choose to be alone. Why? It's usually because I feel like I don't belong. I'm different. I'm too different. Being alone is better. I have faith that as I focus on this topic more during my fasting, God will reveal things and remove this. It will be a process but I'm willing to do it if God is with me. I must surrender and let Him guide me. I would appreciate prayers from you. 

Updates and prayer requests:
1. Bella has been doing well in school. She is learning and finishing assignments. Please continue to pray for consistency and perseverance. 
2. Our boys' cell groups are shrinking each week. All religious activities are optional. Please pray for a breakthrough and that the house parents, cell group leaders, and others can have wisdom in how to lead and pray for these boys' spiritual lives.
3. Our adults cell group has been doing great!!! Praise the Lord! I've been trying to invite people to come. Please pray for these people that I've been inviting that God can soften their hearts. 
4. Pray for our girls cell group. There's a girl's mother who is in the hospital. And there's another girl who fainted at church this past week and still is recovering. Please pray for their recovery and wisdom to know how to take care of themselves. Continue to pray for the 15 year old girl who came out of the psychiatric ward. She is back to her old life. Partying late at night, drinking, smoking and feeling depressed. Please pray that we can continue to reach out to her, that her heart can soften to receive Jesus. Continue to pray for the girls to consistently come. I'm about to start a Bible devotional time with some of the girls to encourage them to have devotional time with God every day. Please pray that I can have wisdom in organizing this.

    I pray that you guys are having a wonderful week! Reach out to me if you have any prayer requests as well. I would be happy to pray for you. God bless!

My cell group on Tuesday nights is always a huge blessing. I feel filled with the Holy Spirit when I leave. The atmosphere at their house is so pure, clean and filled with the Spirit. Praise the Lord for this family of God. I made bread pudding and they loved it!

I served this past week at our main church downtown. They didn't have enough people serving so I helped out. I often come tired but I leave filled with joy. I don't know why. As I lay myself down before God, He fills me up.

I haven't gone to Be One, our young adults service, at all this month. As this was the last Saturday, I made the effort to go. Praise God for keeping me safe as I came back late at night. It's very dangerous for me to be outside late at night in my neighborhood. I usually stay overnight at my friend's house but I have our church in my neighborhood on Sunday mornings, so I haven't been able to attend Be One or stay overnight and spend time with my friend. It was really nice to attend Be One this last week. I felt that there were angels around us as we were worshipping.

This is our girls' cell group that happens every Friday. The short girl in the middle wearing black is the one that needs prayer for her mom. And the girl that is in the back, second from the right. She is the one that fainted at church this past week. She goes to school in the morning and works in the afternoon all the way to 7pm. She isn't able to eat proper meals during the day. Please pray that she can receive wisdom from God to know how to adjust to better take care of her health.

I've been taking Caramelo with me on my jogs. Praise the Lord for his company. 

Praise the Lord for our adults cell group. It's been a blessing as well as more people are stepping out of their comfort zone to help out in different ways. One lady who is very shy in singing. She led 2 songs and played the guitar. I was super happy and grateful to God that He gave her the courage to do it.


  1. Abby always a blessing to read about your exploits !!!!

  2. Praying for you as you work through the issue of "un-belonging". May you experience healing from God, and may He give you future opportunities to use this experience to serve others.

  3. Wonderful to read and see the pictures! They let dogs on the bus???

  4. TIME for a recap of your US trip


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