Looking Back At The Past 2 Weeks

Immediate or infinite.
A different perspective as I look down at my feet and then up to the next bend in the road, if not out to the distant horizon.

Immediate and infinite.
I hold both in my hands and in my heart. Both guide my path.

Immediate and infinite.
My God has made them beautiful and is Lord of both.

   The above is written by Steve Page and it really spoke to me! 

    These past two weeks have been really nice. The head pastor and another brother of Gardena Valley Church came to visit us as the pastor has never been here before. They've been a HUGE supporter of Hope Unlimited from the start. Hope Mountain wouldn't been here if it weren't for their blessings. Pastor Daniel and Uncle Gerry are very kind and humble individuals. It felt like family when I interacted with them. But time was too short. They were only here for four days. I also had commitments at church , so I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked, but I trust in God's plans. I know I will get to have fellowship with them again. 
    I got to serve as a receptionist at the new church building that's still under construction. I saw a new friend whom I met a while ago and we chatted for hours. It was fun talking to her as she was my age and could communicate in English really well. I learn more and more every time I serve. I'm glad I have this opportunity. 

    I went to Rio for a young adults conference and it was awesome! Very eye-opening. I love Rio for its beauty. But needless to say, what bothered me the most was seeing how big of a contrast it was between the rich and the poor. Our church is in the richest area in Rio. Every 5 minutes, you'll see a shopping mall. They are all different and quite astounding. The people at church are all fashionably dressed. It's like those new worship videos on Youtube? Everyone was dressed in style. I would call it the CEY Style, which stands for the "contemporary evangelical youth style." XD The church also sells various merchandise. I didn't buy any as they were ALL too expensive. God is also teaching me that materialism isn't on His heart. I have been thinking about downsizing my stuff. I don't need 10 pairs of pants. I don't need 30 different types of shirts. I don't need 12 pairs of shoes. I don't need nor do I want anything more than what I already have. These material things will fade away, not to mention that lots of my stuff have been destroyed by my dog. I've also lost things and my favorite mug was broken... What's the point of feeling attached to things? There's no need. I need to be a wise steward of all that God has blessed me with, but not be entangled by the things of this world!

    Anyways, the conference was about leadership. We had five different pastors sharing. Some sounded like motivational speakers, but there was one who, I felt, really  spoke from the truth of God’s word! I was reminded to be alert and aware! It is important as followers of Christ to be discerning! Don’t let the good distract me from God’s best! The immediate versus the Infinite! God was faithful in showing me His heart and desire for people to be reconciled to Him. There was one night when I felt so filled with the Spirit that I couldn't stop crying as God put on my heart to pray for those who didn't know Him yet. A girl who was sitting next to me prayed and spoke words that God gave her. And they were really interesting. Praise the Lord for how He is revealing His heart to me!

'It is good to give thanks to the Lord , to sing praises to your name, O Most High; 
to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night,'
Psalm 92:1-2 ESV

Our new jerseys came out and everyone loved them!!!

Pastor Daniel was going to teach me some piano but we didn't have time.

It wasn't easy getting to the new church construction site, but it's always really nice to serve at church.

Cell group was very pleasant. The couple on the left are having a wedding soon!!! 
And we are all excited for it.

We cleaned the church together.

Caramelo is a goof ball~

One of our boys turned 18... so we celebrated his birthday. It was sad to see him leave.
The man in the photo on the right is one of my friends at church. He's been translating for me at church for a long time. But he isn't just a translator, he helps me with many other things as well. God bless him!!!







  1. oh how nice to read about your adventure, except no CAPTIONS for the rest of the photos !!!! I miss you and hope you can visit soon

  2. The above is Auntie Annie

  3. I'm reading through all your blogs... and I noticed that you skipped a couple of months with no blogging at all...


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