Amazing Birthday Weekend

Something I've Never Wished For

NO ONE has seen God at any time. But if we LOVE one another [with unselfish concern], God ABIDES in us, and HIS LOVE [the love that is His essence abides in us and] is COMPLETED and PERFECTED in us. 

1 John 4:12

    Lots of things has happened and I should've blogged earlier but here I am now. I will share with you every blessing that has happened in the past few weeks. 

    First, IT WAS THANKSGIVING!!!!!! We had lovely friends from Indiana that came to visit us and we prepared a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner for all the boys and volleyball girls. We invited everyone we could! And we had a blessed time. It was really hard to practice self-control as we had mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes and marshmallows, pumpkin pies, apple crumble, vanilla ice cream and the more! I did eat more than I should've but I had great fun with everyone. 

    Then we headed to Sao Paulo, a different State, for the Taylor Swift concert. In the morning of the day of the concert, we were busy decorating our cowgirl hats! Even though we spent 3 hours on it, it was all worth it! It turned out we were the only ones who decorated our own hats! The concert was absolutely amazing!!! I haven't felt the thrill in a long time!!! I was standing most of the time even though I was in cowgirl boots. I enjoyed every minute, every second of it. It was such a HUGE blessing to be able to go to a concert like this. When coming back, our flight was delayed until 3:30am and Aunt Corenne was confident that the flight would be cancelled, so we changed our flight back home to the next day and we got to stay at a WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL hotel. I was absolutely amazed by how nice the hotel was. And everything was FREE!!! 

    After getting home, I was very tired. But then came my birthday. Aunt Corenne and Uncle Phil made a chocolate chip cookie cake for me and it was really good. They also took me out for dinner and I had a wonderful, yummy salad. In this week, I gained 2.5kg, which is 5.5 pounds! But now I'm back on track. Praise the LORD. 

    There's nothing I would've wanted more than spending time with friends here. I am very blessed.

Caroline is in the same pink shirt as me. And Laura is her mom, who's in the greenish dress.

We are the 3 Musketeers, making the pumpkin pie!!! Yum...

Uncle Phil and Aunt Corenne talking about the meaning of Thanksgiving since people in Brazil don't celebrate Thanksgiving.

It was amazing!!! Praise the Lord!

We were the best looking people!!!

We were far but it was the best seats!!! We avoided being rained on.

Amazing exprience!!!

The day after the concert. We were really tired but it was our last day together.

This was the little birthday thing that I decorated for the kid.

This was the hat that I decorated. It said "Fearless." That's one of my favorite songs by Taylor Swift.

It was packed with people!!! As we say in Chinese, "people mountain people sea!" (人山人海)

Aunt Corenne got me all of it! The shirt, the hoodie, and the poster!!!

My 24th Birthday!!! It's crazy to think that I'm already 24.


  1. Wow what an amazing generous gift. The last few weeks sounded like so much fun.

  2. The pictures are so so amazing and what a birthday. You will NEVER forget this one !!!!

  3. Love the pictures! I think this birthday tops all the previous 23 birthdays !!!!! I’m grateful to all the people who God used to bless you !

    1. Yes!!!! I thank God for all the people around me. It doesn't top all the the previous 23 birthdays, but this one was definitely memorable.

  4. OK Waiting for another blog !!!!

  5. I can't believe I didn't comment on this one... What memories!


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