Adjusting Once Again

    The Americans left 2 days ago. There were many tears shed including mine. I’ve only known them for 10 days and they are already family to me. I really felt like I was ministered by these lovely, faithful and pure-hearted disciples of Jesus. They are a gift from God and a demonstration of His love for all of us. For me personally, I felt that through this American team God was trying to say that He loves me and cares about me. He knows that I feel lonely in Brazil. He knows that I battle with anxious, helpless, frustrating and depressing thoughts. So He gifted me a dog 3 months ago. He gave me the chance to go to California a month and a half ago. And how He blessed me with the team that felt like family. 

    I not only received their love, care and prayers, but through their visit, I got the chance to see Hope Unlimited in a full scope. I never had the chance to visit boys who graduated from the program, see how they are doing, and pray for them. I saw transformed lives and lives that are still struggling. It’s amazing to be able to be here at Hope Mountain. Undoubtedly, it’s tough and complicated sometimes. But it’s interesting to let the Holy Spirit teach me things constantly. 

    Since the Americans left, I’ve been struggling in a different way. My Portuguese has hit a wall and it feels like I’ll never get better at it. I love Caramelo, my dog, but he also takes a lot of energy out of me. He tore up his bed so I’ll have to stuff the cotton back in and sew it up. He sleeps in my room now but he doesn’t sleep a lot therefore I don’t sleep a lot. 

    I’ve been listening to my mom’s sermon and it’s really nice to be able to learn new things about God and also be reminded of who He is. It's a wonderful thing to be able to get to know Jesus' heart more.

    I've also been a little sick these days as I have something similar to Scabies... so that's really bothering me at the moment.

    God is still good as He leads me and guides me.

Last day with the American team


  1. We are praying for you... itchiness be gone! Healing from the Holy Spirit! Drink lots of water! Cleanse that out of your body!

  2. 你好棒!!(Licat)

    1. 謝謝~簡單的三個字真的有鼓勵到我!上帝祝福你~

  3. 為你禱告,神的醫治讓你早日康復(Licat)

  4. 感謝主!

  5. May God continue to bless u dear Abby!

  6. Oh Abby, you CAN do this, as you are a STRONG Godly woman. Auntie Annie loves you

    1. THANK YOU so much Aunty Annie! I love you... this is making my eyes teary...

  7. Thank you so much Angela! I really appreciate your prayers.


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