Stopped By Police

 Stopped by Police

"Keep calm and eat your fries." - Abby

    I got the opportunity to watch Sound of Freedom twice. Once was with Bella and the other was with some friends from church. The movie was amazing but it did leave something heavy in my heart after watching it. It's something that's still going on in present day. I see kids differently in a way that they can be snatched away so quickly. And I'm reminded of when I was little in the States, my parents wouldn't let me go too far by myself. Human trafficking indeed isn't a pleasant topic to talk about in our daily lives but it's still a big issue. Perhaps people feel like they can't do anything about it. I don't know... these are just some thoughts. I will definitely look into it and start praying for this issue.

    After going to the mall with friends, I caught a ride back home with Bella and the family. We were stopped by the police. They were just checking if there were any illegal activities were going on with people, I guess. They didn't say what they were doing or checking. We probably got stopped because they were suspicious of foreigners. Uncle Phil was driving. I was in the passenger seat. And there were 3 girls in the back. It was weird because it was like... Sound of Freedom got so popular that the police was looking for people doing human trafficking. 

    We had a 10 year old Brazilian. Bella is both American and Brazilian, the daughter of Uncle Phil. And we had Neyde, who's an adult and she's Brazilian. The police wanted Neyde to step out of the car and answer some questions about Uncle Phil and the vehicle. If it wasn't for her, we would probably be in the police station answering some more questions. Even worse, Uncle Phil could've gotten arrested for who knows what. 

    Anyways, these was the first time in Brazil that I encountered super serious police and military people. God is good, all the time. 

    We just had gotten McDonald's. So I was eating my fries when all of this was going on. I was quite calm about it because I believed we were going to be fine. Praise the Lord that we were!

Even though we don't go to the same church, it was really nice to have these ladies' company.

Small group was great! It's always good to have fellowship with people.

Youth group with the crew. There was a new girl and 3 new boys!

The black cat was really photogenic. Caramelo was melting in the heat.


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