Happy Brazilian Father's Day!

    These days have been quite interesting. Nothing really happening but God is moving. I might have the opportunity to join the worship team at my church. God is working in my personal life as I'm trying to be more like Him. I got officially added to the group chat of my small group so I get more information with the church activities and devotionals. I would like to share it with you all. 

    "For God to be complete, He does not need what we can offer Him;  nor our sacrifices of praise and worship to have joy and be happy;  He does not need expressions of love to feel loved, because He is love itself (I John 4.8).  Before creating us, He already existed in His fullness and was complete with the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Perfect in unity, They partake of an eternal fullness.  Together They are the fullness in all things, including all worship, joy and rejoicing.  This is the reason for thinking that the Father does not seek worship, since worship fills all of heaven.  The prophet Isaiah says: “I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the hem of his robe filled the temple. Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. And one called to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.’” (Isaiah 6.1-3).  The heavens are filled with worship, God is looking for children to worship him."
    I hope this encourages you and help you meditate on our Father in Heaven. 

    I haven't been doing much aside from helping Bella with her school. We did go to the beach on Sunday with everyone as it was Father's Day. It was nice because we have a house parent here that is like a father to the boys here at Hope Mountain. So it was really crucial for him to have us all there to appreciate all his hard work and love for us all. 

The older man in the middle with a black shirt on and with glasses is Uncle Paulo!


  1. I'm trying again... Hopefully, I can post a comment now! Love reading your entries!

    1. Thank you mama! I hope you had a good read!

  2. me too, glad you said the older man..... we are all getting older love you ABBY

    1. Lol Aunty Annie. You are very funny! Love you dearly!


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