Giving God Everything

For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I am the ONE who helps you." Isaiah 41:13 Heading into the 15th day of my fast, I've been working quite hard and trusting God in all things! I’ve been praying for God to bring more girls to join our volleyball team. On Monday, we had the most girls ever. We had 16 girls at practice. It went well. I think it's a little sad that I couldn't talk to all the newcomers but it's okay. Updates about the boy who was in the psychiatric ward - he came back last week but he isn't doing well. At first, he came back happy. But the girl that he is in love with isn't in love with him! He has attempted suicide many times already. This situation has weighed heavily on many of us. Please pray for wisdom for the people who are helping him to know what to do and what decisions to make. This is a rough season for this boy. Let's pray in Jesus' name that he will be freed an...