Daddy's Girl

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.

Psalm 68:5

Dad arrived two days after I came back from Campinas. I’m so blessed to be able to see my dad THREE times this year!!! Once was during Chinese New Year in January, the other time was when I was in Taiwan in June, and now in August. What missionary has their father come visit them like this!? This time around, my dad and I both thought that it would be good to spend more time and do some sports activities with the boys. My dad got a free voucher to stay in a hotel for three days, so I tagged along. It was in a city I’ve never explored before. It was nice being able to jog every morning and see the city. The beach was great! We were also really into watching the Olympic Games. So, it was a really relaxing little trip.

When we came back to Hope Mountain, everyone seemed happy to see my Dad again. At a birthday party, my dad was asked to pray a blessing over the two people who had their birthdays. And he also had a really good conversation with one of the boys. The boy really opened up about not feeling worthy and he was reminded about all the bad things he had done. My dad, as a father figure and a Godly man, encouraged him and opened the boy’s eyes to see God in a different way. There’s another boy who back in January my dad had taught him how to play basketball and ever since, the boy has been into basketball and has been enjoying it a lot. There’s an educator whose job is to watch the boys during the day. He graduated from Hope Mountain and was a professional basketball player here in Brazil. He had connections and opened the opportunity for this boy to start taking basketball lessons at a basketball academy. My dad and I decided to bless the boy with his first pair of basketball shoes. My dad also connected with this educator and even became teary eyed when praying for him. It was really nice to see how God used my dad as a father figure to these teenage boys and also adults as most of them never had a father who loved them from the bottom of their hearts. I’m very blessed to have a father like my dad. God is gracious to me.

After a week, we headed toward Rio. We were only in Rio for 3 days, but we made the most of our time. It was my first time traveling by public transportation in Rio. It was really fun figuring out what train or bus to take. It did get a little stressful on the third day, but it was still really fun!!! You can ask my dad if I was a good tour guide and trip organizer. On the first day, I accidently forgot my backpack on the bus. I had to ask many people for help but thankfully there was one young lady who helped me, and I was able to get my backpack back. Nothing was stolen. We arrived at the hotel, dropped off our luggage since it wasn’t time to check-in yet, walked to the beach and then rested on the beach. We checked in the hotel and then found a nice Lebanese restaurant. The food was delicious and it reminded me of Israel. The second day, we ran on the beach and then headed toward Christ the Redeemer. On the third day, we ran on the beach again and then headed toward Sugar Bread. We had a great time. My dad enjoyed seeing the scenery. We saw a big part of the city of Rio. We even found our hotel from Christ the Redeemer! Rio was unforgettable.

Later on, we headed toward Campinas, São Paulo. We were there for 3 days. On the first day, we visited the City of Youth. It was good for my dad to see the City of Youth and how different it was from Hope Mountain. The dynamics of both campuses are very different, but the foundation is the same. Again, the City of Youth had boys and girls from 0-17 years old. It’s more established and organized, and the leadership is very strong and united. We were blessed to be able to talk to the head social worker, and organizer of all 10 houses for the children. The issues of the children are somewhat the same on both campuses. They’ve experienced abuse, forced labor, drug trafficking, etc. The larger problem that both campuses face more evidently after Covid was mental health issues. There’s also pressure on the social workers and psychologists because the government wants to quickly get the kids reintegrated or adopted. But some cases need time. Some cases need 3 or 4 years. So, continue to keep these topics in your prayers. At night, we visited a house that had siblings and boys and girls. We had churrasco, which is Brazilian barbecue. We had a great devotional time. My dad had many great conversations with the teens. I had great fellowship with the teens as well. It was a very blessed time! On the second day, we played tennis with a friend of my dad’s. My dad met him in Taiwan. He is a world renowned florist. We played tennis together and talked a lot in hope of connecting him up with the City of Youth. Later on, we went back to the City of Youth and taught the kids American football. It was hard because the kids came and went. Overall, it went well! And now the kids can play on their own. At night, my dad shared at the youth church service! That went really well. Many people were blessed. It was good for me to be able to talk to some of the teens there. I felt really grateful and blessed to be able to develop these relationships with these wonderful, Godly people. On the last day, we went to the graduate church of the City of Youth and then stayed at the house of the man, Jônatas, who had been giving us the tour at City of Youth. It was sad to say goodbye, but I knew God was going to lead me back to visit them again. We had a good time with Jônatas and his wife, Brena. It was a huge blessing to be able to be in Campinas!!! I almost wanted to stay…

Finally, my dad and I arrived back in the city of São Paulo, which is about 2 hours away from Campinas, like from LA to San Diego. We were blessed to be able to stay at a YWAM base called JOCUM São Paulo. The leader of the base was really friendly and he is a friend of Tim Gillette. My dad left after 2 days but I stayed for 5 days. I showed my dad the Japanese town in the district called Liberdade. We also went walking and saw the financial district of the city. We then headed back. Dad’s departure  was tough. Before he left, we talked and I cried. My dad has helped me so much. He loves me so much. He is full of wisdom and continues to remind me of God’s truth. I cried on my way home from the airport after sending my dad off. I mainly rested the next day. I helped the YWAM base rack leaves which was fun! The next day, I went on a walking tour by myself. I took the bus everywhere and walked. I had 23,483 steps. It was a really fun day for me personally. The last day, I had a friend from the base that went with me to visit another YWAM base that was 15 minutes away from this one. It was called JOCUM Casa. I can’t explain how incredible the time was even though it was just for one and a half hours. The base leader knew my DTS school leader!!! YWAM is indeed a small world. I felt like I belonged. The mission of the base is to reach the nations and unreached people groups within the city. And São Paulo is filled with people from all over the world. They want to start a bilingual DTS next year. And just before we came, they were praying for a worshipper to join the staff team. And the base leader was just looking at Taiwan on the map as he was also looking at Japan. I’m getting goosebumps even writing this now. I didn’t need to say it, but the leader already saw through me and knew that I was looking for a ministry to possibly join next year. We all said we will continue to pray about it, but my heart was really wanting to just say, “Yes! When can I join?” I knew that my time at Hope Mountain wasn't finished yet. God’s plans are higher than mine and I trust in His plans because His is not only the best but His love never fails.

My time with my dad was absolutely memorable and I will never be able to thank him and my mom for all the support and love they have given me. The evil one will try to use the same tactics to get me homesick, depressed, or fill me with other negative feelings. But this time, I’m different. I’m not going to fall for those lies again. The same situations will happen again, but I won’t let them affect me. I choose to hold on to the hope and truth in Christ Jesus!

My dad had a fun time with Caramelo.

I invited my dad to eat with the family that I used to spend most of the weekend with. They are lovely and funny people. They kept asking if people in Taiwan ate dogs...

My dad spent quality time with me and the boys as much as he could. My dad and I had lots of good food! The burger place in the bottom left photo is one of my dad's top 3 favorite burger place now.

Had our lovely family time!!! It was so nice to be able to talk to my family, pray for each other, and grow together spiritually.

My dad shared with all the sports coaches about their importance to the kids' lives and how big of an influence they can be. Also encouraging them to be a Godly example.

We took Caramelo on a jog along a new boardwalk in our beautiful city, Vitoria, in the state of Espirito Santo. People complemented me for picking up Caramelo's poop as many people don't do that here.

This is our first day in Rio!!! We stayed in Copacabana, a very well-known place as you would probably know that there's a song about it.

This is our second day in Rio. We went on a jog along the beach before going to see Christ the Redeemer. We had a really good time.

This was our third and last day in Rio. We went on a jog again. I ran my first 15k and almost died. We went to Pão de Açúcar, Sugar Bread. IT WAS SO WORTH IT!!! The view was just as breath-taking as on top of Christ the Redeemer. It was so much fun taking the cable cars and walking around. We saw tiny monkeys!

Once we arrived in the City of Youth, we took a tour around the campus and visited some of the courses they had. The top is like hotel manners. Kids learn to clean and maintain the kitchen nice and clean. The bottom is hair, makeup and nails course. These are some courses that Hope Mountain doesn't have. It was really refreshing to see these different courses.

We visited this house that's on campus. These are babies and many of their older siblings are on campus as well. It's really good that these kids get to stay with their siblings.

This is the head house coordinator who's started working at the City of Youth as a social worker. She's been working here for over 20 years! And she still is filled with joy and look young and beautiful as ever.

This is one of the community houses that is off campus and in the community. They house teenagers who are older and more responsible. Many of these teens are siblings as well. They are family!

This is Tanus, the world famous florist. He was really kind and generous to host us and we had such a fun time!!! Their hospitality was amazing! He loved green so his house was filled with plants and huge glass windows for the sunlight shine through. He is so artistic and he designed the house himself. He is an incredible man. I would love to have my house like his.

This is the youth service that my dad spoke at. The topic was about gratitude. It was a reflection service about the kids' camp that we all went to, except for my dad.
The family on the right is absolutely amazing!!! The parents both grew up and graduated from the City of Youth and have amazing encounters with the Lord. They are truly gifted in music and many other things. I wished I had more time with them. God indeed blessed many people and children through their lives.

After Campinas, we've arrived in JOCUM São Paulo. It really reminded me a lot of YWAM Freiburg, which is where I did my DTS almost 2 years ago. Many people there spoke English. We had many good conversations with them. The German Shepherd is the base leader's dog. Her name is Moa! My cousin, Paige, has the same dog as well named Koa.

Dad and I went sightseeing. We saw many cool things I've never seen before as this is my third time being in the city. I enjoyed every moment until my dad left.

In the state where I live, Espirito Santo, there isn't Starbucks... so I really had to take the advantage to get the most out of it! It was really delicious.

After dad left, I was on my own. So I visited 5 different places. The first place I went was the most famous and largest park ever called Ibirapuera Park. I was really tempted to jog but I didn't have the right clothes and shoes on... next time I'll try!

The second place I went was the most famous boulevard called Avenida Paulista. The Taiwan consulate was there. I really wanted to go say hi but didn't have the guts to. Maybe next time I'll try as well.

The third place I went was the famous art alley called Beco do Batman. This place was filled with artistic people selling different things but I didn't have the energy to negotiate prices.

The fourth place I went was the Futebol Museum!!! Soccer but you know, futebol! I have to give props for the people who put this together because it was absolutely AMAZING as for such a cheap entrance fee. I learned so much and I'm more of a futebol fan now than I was before. What an incredible sport!

My last stop was obviously the Japanese town, Liberdade, again. I went into the grocery stores to see what they had and all. I was proud to see the Taiwan flag in the boba shop. It was ironic because Brazil doesn't recognize Taiwan as a country.


  1. I’m in tears…(joyful ones). Thank you for sharing with us!!! Loved the pictures and the message. 🧡

  2. I have been WAITING and waiting for your blog !!! You look so GROWN up and I had no idea you all did that much

    1. Awwwww thank you aunty Annie~ Time flies!!! I'm about to be 25 years old!

  3. Yes, try to blog regularly... even if it's just a 'normal' week... I always enjoy reading about what you are doing!


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