Life and Death

     Arriving back in Brazil was smooth. I had the chance to stay at my friends' house the day after I got back. It was like the last goodbye since one of the friends is about to do a DTS with YWAM here in one of the bases in Brazil. It was interesting because it was a sleepover of a bunch of young adults. It kind of had a little of the YWAM vibes aside from the conversations that we had were more like about dating...

    Our Corinthians Football Fan Club often organizes different activities, such as renting a bus or a van to watch a game in another state, or giving back to society through donating blood together, or going into the community to deliver food and clothes to the homeless. 

    On the following Monday, the 8th of July, a tragic accident happened with my "futebol" fan club. A van of 15 people went to the neighboring state over the weekend to support the game as loyal fans. On their way back at 1:50am, the van went into the opposite lane and collided with the oncoming bus. Two men died on the scene and one died upon arrival to the hospital. Many people were injured badly, i.e. broken legs, traumas to the head, broken knee, broken back, one might lose his eyes sight, and one is still in a coma. It's been really tough on all of us as we are a tight fan base. On the last game, the 16th of July, they made large banners and a presentation on the big screen to honor those who passed away. It was a big deal because usually only retired players or someone really special to the team would be honored like that. So this was huge from the Corinthians to honor and respect their fans. 

    It's been tough for me personally because I remember one of them who passed away. He had a beautiful wife and a 9 year old son. His wife braided my hair and was so kind to me when I went to a game last October. I didn't know them that well but because of their kindness, they are forever engraved upon my heart. When I found out who died, I was in tears. And every time I thought about it, I was in tears. I've visited and supported those who are still in the hospital. I had the opportunity to sing worship songs with my ukulele and to pray for and with them. 

    I've never visited anyone at the hospital before by myself so I was really lost and confused. The first time I went, I didn't even bring my documents. The second time I had to ask multiple people where I should go. The third time I went, the patient that I was visiting was sleeping. There was a heaviness in the atmosphere at the hospital. Back in Taiwan, I had visited people at the hospital with my mom, maybe someone who is about to have a baby. In Brazil, I was shocked by the overcrowdedness and the feel of hopelessness and pain. This opened my eyes to the spiritual atmosphere of this society as a whole. I visited Uncle Gil. Upon seeing him, I started to sob. He was most optimistic and hopeful and happy to see me. I had the opportunity to sing and worship with him. He is the leader and the main organizer of our fan base. We didn't talk about what happened. I only knew more of the details through the news. He works at Hope Mountain. His daughter was also there visiting him. His wife was about to make the visit as well. The son, however, is too young, so he cannot visit his dad and he is currently living here at Hope Mountain. You can tell the loss of three brothers has been tough on him who knew all of them very well. He was thankful but I can see the pain behind his words. Please do keep him and others in your prayer.

   Death? God is the One who gives and takes away. (Job 1:20) There's the knowledge of God that we will never comprehend. (Psalm 145:3, Psalm 139:6, Isaiah 55:8-9) How can one point fingers at God when He is the One who spoke the earth into motion? How can we, whom wither as quickly as flowers, understand eternity and infinity? One thing that remains true is His promises which brings comfort in these trouble times (Psalm 119:50). God promises comfort for those who mourn (Matthew 5:4). He promised that He is my lamp that lights up my darkness (Psalm 18:28). He promises companionship through deep waters, rivers of difficulties, and fires of oppression (Isaiah 43:2). The Bible is filled with promises that we can rely on. Therefore, we all should rely on His promises. Let His words take hold of our heart in Christ Jesus! There is HOPE for those who are in Christ!

"O death, where is your victory?

O death, where is your sting?"

1 Corinthians 15:55

Young Adults Sleepover/Goodbye Party

Made the cookies and a big heart cookie for the boy whom we just celebrated his 16th birthday. Caramelo looking sharp in that birthday hat. XD

It's not rare but it should be taken seriously with the boys' birthdays because life is precious where you can easily lose it in a place like here.

Good news is we got new house parents!!! Finally!!! Praise the Lord. 
Praying that they will be good role models and can discipline, teach, discipleship, care and love the boys like the boys are their real sons.

The little boy in red is the son that cannot visit his dad because he isn't old enough. The man in the photo on the right is the dad, also the leader of the fan base. Continue in prayer as he broke is left foot and needs another surgery for his knee. And his back is in pain. He will have to stay in the hospital for another 2-3 months.

 The lady who's braiding my hair in this photo is the lady who lost her husband and who has a 9 year old son. I might be able to visit her but it's not for sure yet.

GOOD NEWS IS I HAVE THIS RESIDENCE CARD!!! I can now do many things. I can set up a bank account. I'm almost Brazilian for 1 year.


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