A very WARM Christmas

 It's... beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas trees gladly wore the colorful lights of happiness,

Joyful noises fill the small plaza spreading cheer here and there.

Behind the glamorous decorations,

There's somebody who's at the end of their rope,

But they don't know they are not alone,

His name is Prince of Peace

His name is Emmanuel, the God who is with us. 

His name is El Roi, the God who sees.

    I know I'm a little behind on blogging but I'll make it up to you guys. Christmas season was tough, not gonna lie. Yes, I missed my family. Yes, I missed being in Germany. But it was stressful because of how busy I was. I don't know how Aunt Corenne and the family can do this every year. Christmas is a BIG deal. When I mean BIG. I mean BIG. When I really thought about it, I don't mind it being BIG because I get why it needed to be BIG. These boys and lots of visitors that we had don't really have the opportunity to receive so much. So it's important to give them a BIG treat! This is what they've been waiting for the WHOLE YEAR!!!  The boys and children absolutely LOVED the stockings filled with snacks and candy. The adults LOVED receiving Christmas baskets filled with goodies and other gifts as well. I love serving and helping. But as usual, I started to feel like Martha. I didn't want to, but I was starting to lose the joy when everything started to become chaotic when it came close to holding a Christmas party for 70 people.

    We had 12 people who got baptized a week prior to Christmas. PRAISE THE LORD! Bella and another girl got baptized. And then 10 other boys got baptized. On the way back, Corenne broke her back so she is still immobilised at the moment. So Christmas was on all of us to help get ready for. I baked so much for Christmas and Praise the Lord it all turned out super yummy. Then we had to figure out what presents go to who and also wrap all the gifts. That was the hard part since everyone started to come over and hang out at the house, it was hard to do these things. But everything worked out well. Some boys, a girl, and I did a little Christmas dance at the Christmas Eve dinner. Food was sufficient for everyone. Presents were perfect. I wasn't too stressed out but there were lots of changes of some guests not showing up but others showing up. It was amazing how God handled everything while I was just His instrument. 

    On Christmas day, we just hung out. We were suppose to make pancakes for the boys as a special breakfast, but a boy hit his head severely and was sent to the hospital. So the boys had a normal breakfast. I mainly rested while everyone else was hanging around.

    What really helped me get through this chaotic Christmas season of missing home and missing my friends was an Advent devotional I was doing on the Bible App called Emmanuel. Many times it really spoke to my heart and gave me the encouragement I needed. Praise the Lord!!!

This is Neide. She serves in the house of Corenne as well. I love her dearly.

This was one of many things I made with the help of other people and the guidance of Corenne. This is a cheeseball snowman! We didn't have cream cheese so that's why it looked and tasted different. 
I also got to make a bunch of Christmas cookies, lemon cookie bars and triple treats with Neyde. It was really fun to bake and I learned a lot. 

This is the dance I did with my dear friends.


  1. About time for your blog. Been waiting and looking. Glad it turned out well. God always has a plan. We just need to be patient

  2. Abby, you never once seemed stressed at all! You handled everything with such grace and with your ever present smile. YOU were the biggest Christmas Blessing. Each visitor felt special because of you. What could’ve been a disastrous season (with me flat on my back) ended up one of the best Christmas’ ever!!!

  3. You may be homesick, but you still had Christmas in freakin' Brazil! That's awesome.

  4. Christmas should be celebrated more often...


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