Under God's Wings

 Under God's Wings

Have you ever been treated dishonestly? Honestly, I don't like it... 

But I hope I also don't treat others like that.

    I went to my usually small group on Saturday mornings. We didn't have a lot of people this time because people had other plans. But it was still a blessed time. I then went to the mall with some church friends but it turned out I was a third wheel. I went to the mall because I really wanted to watch The Chosen in the theaters. I thought it was a new episode but it turned out I already watched it... My friends didn't tell me that I would be the third wheel so I wasn't so happy about that. And they didn't tell me that they weren't going to watch the movie with me so I was disappointed with that. But it's not like I haven't watched a movie by myself before at the theaters... I just thought it was a waste of money and time. I went home alone on the bus. I was thanking God because so far I haven't taken the wrong bus. A while later... the last bus I was taking took a weird turn... I was thinking, "Oh no... I'm doomed... Lord, help!" Guess what? I took the wrong bus by accident because I was in a rush and usually that bus does go the route that takes me home! I asked the bus driver for information and I decided to wait at a bus stop that was on the "main street" which was tiny compared to the main streets in the States. Think of Taiwan's little streets. Anyways, this was already 22:30. I was about to cry. I didn't have data or a number to call, or else I was near by my small group leaders house. I prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed. I couldn't find free WiFi around so I had to make a decision. Next bus was half an hour. This place IS NOT SAFE AT ALL! I was super scared. Many cars and motorcycles passed by me and were looking at me because NO GIRL IN HER RIGHT MIND WOULD BE WALKING ALONE THAT LATE ON A SATURDAY NIGHT!!! I didn't have a choice. I thought walking home would be safer than waiting alone at a spot for 30 minutes. I walked 2 miles on an incline. My fear was greater than feeling tired from walking so fast. After a while, I arrived where I can find WiFi and I contacted someone to pick me up because it would be even more dangerous if I walked the rest of the way. While I was waiting, a guy on the motorcycle stopped and ask if I needed a ride. I kindly refused. Then he took off his helmet and said, "I saw you walking from all the way over there and now you're here!" I laughed because he was right. This was ridiculous! He asked where I was going. I said Hope Mountain. And he was like, "Oh..." He asked again if I wanted a ride. I had to give him a "no" again. And he left, thank God. I don't like judging a book by its cover but he was probably involved in a gang even though he was pretty chilled. Finally I get home. My dog welcomed me! I felt safe and praise God for keeping me safe. I called and talked to some friends about this crazy day. I felt less angry about being a third wheel and I was much more relaxed. Praise God!

    On Sunday, I slept in because I was exhausted. We went to church and God really touched my heart. On the way to church, I was reading a book called Jesus > Religion. One part really touched me and I started crying. Then at church, tears continued to flow as I was worshipping and listening to the sermon. I was struck by God's love. If you have a chance, read the book. It's really inspiring. There's no other place I'd rather be than in God's love. There's a song that I would like to share with you. It's called Abide by Kingdom Culture Worship. It's been in my head and it's a really good reminder of what love truly is. 

Small group! We all are trying to stick to the diet!


  1. I'm so glad you did not get on that motorcycle! PRAISE JESUS! God took care of you... He really did!

  2. So what is the take away with this? I always feel that when I am challenged, there is a msg from God. Better communication, if you can. Who is going to the mall, what are we doing, when will we be home. You CANNOT trust strangers in a strange land to keep you safe. xoxoxo

    1. Yes I learned a lot from this. Never ever staying out that late by myself again. I should've just left and not even spend the money to watch the movie. And before I hop on a bus, I need to ask the bus driver to make sure I'm taking the right bus.

  3. Oh Lillyana~ you are precious! I still think back at the good times in Germany~ Miss you a lot!


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