

"Winners never give up. Those who give up never win."

    I'm glad I'm here again to share with you. It's been 3 weeks since I started the no sugar and white flour diet. I've had some cheat days and it was a really bad idea because I've had really bad stomachaches. I've always had issues with perseverance. Since there's no one really keeping me accountable, it's even more crucial to learn that I can't do this with my own strength but through God. I have a goal in losing weight so even though the diet was suppose to be 28 days, I will continue this diet until I hit the ideal weight.

    I'm glad that volleyball has been going well because it's something to look forward to. There were times where my team showed great resilience and therefore we came out with the W. Every volleyball practice we spend half of the time playing practice matches against each other. There was one time my team was definitely weaker than the other but the coach didn't do anything about it and let us play. We played best out of 3. We lost the first badly. But somehow my teammates stayed focused and continued to press forward. At one point, one of my teammates was serving really well and we were leading by a lot. We started to gain confidence and faith that maybe we could win. When it was my turn to serve, I was so confident in my serves and my teammates that I was sure we were going to win this set. And guess what? We did! We later on won the 3rd set. My teammates and I felt so good after winning and this feeling stayed with me for a long time because it wasn't just an ordinary win, we won through staying together, persevering, and believing in one another. 

    Youth group went well. I love leading the games and having fun with everyone. I do would like you to pray for the leadership of this youth group and the lives of the youths that come. The girl that I shared from my other blog who has depression, she stopped coming to volleyball, youth group and church for a few weeks now. She isn't doing well. I've reached out to her but she doesn't really want to come back. Please pray for her. 

    For my Saturday small group, we didn't have it this time because my small group leader is about to get surgery so she and her husband were preparing for that. If you can, please pray for her surgery on Monday, the 11th. 

Lastly, this is just something our youth group leader sent, hopefully it encourages you to keep going for JESUS!

"Winners are not those who have had no difficulties, but those who have faced problems with the conviction that they would be victorious in the end. In doing so, they have experienced and grown in patience, resilience, a willingness to love and put faith in God, the only One who can do all things.
Winners engage in dialogue to find solutions that don't exist, they are humble enough to learn from others who know more than they do, they believe in and seek God's "yes" for every step, understanding that every closed door is an orientation towards a new and safe direction.
Winners don't fight for themselves, they fight for a collective cause and a common good. The important thing is not that they win, but that everyone wins. Winners don't promote themselves, they promote the common good. Winners have learned to put aside their own will to do God's will.
Winners get tired but are renewed by the conviction and steadfastness of the One who can renew all things. Winners are afflicted but not defeated. They are in doubt but never in despair. They have many enemies but never lack a true friend.
May you be encouraged this day to persevere and press on towards Jesus. Whoever walks with Him never loses. Those who live with Him are renewed every morning to face every battle knowing that they will be victorious."
This is our volleyball crew. All smiles and laughs. XD

This is Caramelo's 1st time at the beach! He isn't used to the water yet but he sure loves sand!

Fun games and great worship time at youth group.

Youths who need lots of guidance and love.


  1. Press onward - never give up!

    1. Thank you mama... I might ask Neyde to keep me accountable. She is the one in the boba picture. In the middle. She is really disciplined and she eats really healthy.

  2. Well, sometimes a detour is noted and needed !!!!

  3. Thank you Lillyana... you're encouragement means a lot to me! I will continue to keep going! 💪💪💪


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