Life & Death

 Life & Death

"But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness." Romans 8:10

Self-discipline is a fruit of the Spirit

    There has been too many cheat days for my no sugar and no white flour diet... unfortunately... But I've decided to do something that's been successful for me, which is no eating after 20:00. And guess what? I lost weight! I'm really happy. It's not easy to do this here because everyone eats after 20:00. But through Christ, ALL things are possible.


    When they say, "There is no I in team," it's true, especially in volleyball. When they say, "You can learn life through sports," it's also true. Encouragements are SO important in sports and in life. Sometimes you don't see it at all in life. Sports is like a quick flip through of life's highs and lows so we get to learn how to deal with the lows. You learn so much about leadership and communication. In my team, there is a girl that doesn't have good sportsmanship and she doesn't treat her teammates all that well. But I try to lead by example to show these girls that encouragements, having confidence, trusting your teammates, and having good sportsmanship is VERY important. It not only keeps the team together, keeps the game going, but also it builds good characters in us. It builds strong friendships. All in all, we are getting to be a really good team. I hope we continue to stay together and love one another.

First time driving in Brazil

    Yup! You read it! I drove MANUAL in Brazil FOR THE FIRST TIME. First of all, I didn't even know how to drive stick shift. Second of all, I have never driven a stick shift car in my life. Third of all, the last time I drove a car was last year in Taiwan, I believe... Anyways, my small group leader and I were talking about driving. I said I have my driver's license but not for stick shift cars. I said I wanted to learn but no one's got the time to teach me yet. He started to teach me on the way to small group. And I self-taught a little but I still didn't fully understand it. Then after small group, when we were going home, he let me try driving in a deserted place, in other words, a safe place for 1st timers. 😂 Then I drove and I think I know how to drive a stick shift now but I don't know if we'll be practicing again next week. I'm actually really grateful that he gave me the opportunity to try. I would love to start driving in Brazil. Pray that if there's a next time, I won't crash or anything.

Visa update

    So, everything is going well with applying for a volunteer visa so far. We gathered most of the paperwork needed. But we are waiting for the specialist to look through everything and check that everything is okay. Keep praying that he can finish and send everything through before the 29th of this month. Because that's when my tourist visa expires. God is good, all the time. And all the time? 

Life & Death

    Romans 8:1-11 talks about life in the Spirit and how we are dead in the flesh. I love how Paul opens with "There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus." To me, it's like, I know when I sin I feel really guilty, ashamed, unworthy, unlovable, and so on. But who's condemning me? It's myself! It's the devil! But through the Jesus Christ, we receive forgiveness. And through the Spirit who raised Jesus to life, gives us life. What can keep us from "sinning" even though we accepted Jesus? I think it's love. When I experience God's love, it transforms me. But I wouldn't say this is only a one time transformation. Our Christian lives are full of transformations from glory to glory. God's love and our love for Him can help us CHOOSE to live in the Spirit and LET HIM lead the way. You can read the passage and tell me what you think as well. God bless!

Oh yeah! I also French braided my own hair for the 1st time. Success?

Fun times at youth group. I got to lead cool games again!!!!

Why do I need to get more toys if there are so many coconuts laying everywhere? 
Caramelo is very cute, as you can see.


  1. your hair is beautiful, but YOU ARE TOO and most of us sin and others don't notice, but only God and the sinner knows, so repent is on a regular basis

  2. Another great post!!! I know how to drive a stick shift car! I learned to drive in one!


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