Interesting Days...

     This past week has been quite interesting... When I recall what has happened this week... I don't remember much... Does that happen to you, too?

     So this week I continued to help out with Bella's homework as much as I could. But we still didn't finish all the assignments on time! It could be because we had other things to do these days that we didn't have good time management to finish everything on time. It was my job to make sure that this doesn't happen, but it still did. Now I have access to Bella's online school account so I can make sure we are on top of things. I can "actively" help her instead of "passively." But anyways, this would be a prayer request because I find it hard to be Bella's teacher, friend, sister and all. Pray that God gives me wisdom for this because I really can't do this alone. 

    We were able to get Caramelo his last shot. He is growing and we continue to potty train him to be able to be an inside dog. He is really cute sometimes and also really disobedient sometimes.

    This Friday, we had our first youth group with the boys and the volleyball girls!!!!!!!! This is worth celebrating!!! One girl, her name is Lily, she was really touched afterwards when me and my friend Lucas prayed for her. She has depression and she cuts herself. We laid hands on her scars and she started crying and I started crying because I can sense her deep pain inside of her heart. Later on, she only sang Christian songs in the car and she said she wanted to believe in Jesus and get baptized!!!!!!!!! I encouraged her and I look forward to discipling her even though my Portuguese isn't that good yet but we use WhatsApp. If you can, please continue to pray for this youth group and Lily who's only 14 years old.

    On Saturday, I went to my own small group and I had "I could sing of Your love forever" in my head. So I asked if I can borrow the guitar, and they let me. I played and sang. And they encouraged me to join the worship team. For this church, they hold an audition for joining the worship team. My low self-esteem kicked in and I felt really nervous about it. I know my calling is WORSHIP and the enemy will try his best to shut me down. So I will continue to pray about it and see if God opens the door for this. 

    On Saturday night, we got a projector and watched a movie outside with all the boys. It was really fun!!!! I'm glad the boys had a good time. We weren't able to finish the movie because the computer ran out of battery... but we will finish it on Sunday!

    Here we are on Sunday!!!!!!! Chargers are playing their preseason game against the Saints! I'm really excited. Bella and I finished all the schoolwork that was suppose to be done so we have welcome Monday happily! Praise the Lord! 

    I hope you all have a great week! God bless!

This is from my cell group! I made waffles for everyone and they really liked it!

This is Caramelo in the car about to get his last shot.

This is our first ever YOUTH GROuP with the boys and girls from our volleyball team!!!!!!

This is also from the youth group on Friday night!


  1. Praying for your audition. May God use you to bring people in worshipping Him!

    1. Thank you!!!! I hope I can walk in His calling.

  2. Another new post with pictures and videos! Superb!

  3. With HIM all is possible. Keep it up Abby, I often can't even remember WHAT I had for breakfast

  4. Abby, what a blessing you are. Thank you for following your heart and honoring God.

  5. I so touched by these stories! May God continue to give u wisdom and speedy learning for Portuguese!In Jesus’s name.

    1. Thank you Ariel!!! Thank you for your prayers!


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