Healthy Diet for God's Glory

     Have you every been on a diet? What type of diet were you on? And why?

    Because of my love for food and lack of self-control, my parents always had to watch what I ate and also make sure I exercised. My mom's side of the family knows all about diets. There's Keto, 18/6, and more... I've been on a lot of different diets... I put my mom through a lot of hard times because she was the one keeping me accountable... 
    This time, my church started a new program called "Saudável," which means healthy or health. Because we are a temple of God, we should take good care of ourselves so we started a 28 days diet and exercise plan! I'm glad I'm not doing this alone... It's hard when I do diets alone without accountability... This time nearly the whole church is doing it! The plan is no sugar and white flour for 28 days. We should exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. We read one chapter of Acts every day. We pray for 20-30 minutes. And get involved with ministry and small groups. Today is 4th day of no sugar and white flour. That also means... I haven't had coffee in 4 days... It's a miracle because I really can't have coffee without sugar... So I've been having tea... 
    I hope I can continue and finish strong for this diet and I hope to see results soon!


    Volleyball has been fun! I'm serving well. I'm spiking well. It's been something I'm slowing looking forward to do! God started to change things in the team... we are more like a team now. Praise the Lord!

These are our volleyball girls... I'm not sure if I've shown you all before.

Caramelo intrigued by the magnificent horses... 🐴

Caramelo chewed a hole in my pillow case... 😫

It was already late... I was super duper tired last night... but it was our neighbor's birthday today... So we had to surprise her! We wrapped her door like a present and made a huge card for her.

I saw my friend post this on Instagram... and I couldn't agree with this more! 💚


  1. Oh good, no sugar and no white flour. We try to do that here. Minimal high glycemic foods, like rice and pasta and chips and crackers. God be with you and you all can do it

    1. Yeah with God and all my brothers and sisters in Christ, it's actually not too difficult. 😂

  2. Do it all for the glory of God... always... and keep moving forward!

  3. I love what your friend posted on Instagram... it's true!


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