Blessed Friendships

    It's weird that I can't really remember what I did yesterday... does that happen to you, too? 

    I would say that I do have a steady schedule. I wake up at 7 and my day ends around midnight. Maybe I should try to move my bedtime even earlier or add a time to nap, because I've been feeling quite tired. I don't sleep in at all because I have a dog so I must walk him and spend time with him. 

    Why would I name this post "Blessed Friendships?" It's because since the Americans left, not only have I tried focusing more on God but also I got the chance to spend lots of time with some friends. It's a good distraction from negative thoughts. A friend bought a bus card and a card holder for me so now I can take the bus!!! I've also got to spend time with Bella's friends. They taught me how to make brigadeiro!!! It's a famous dessert! 

    Thank you for all your prayers and support! I still have chiggers on my legs... but I continue to trust in God's healing hands. 

On the left is Marih, she's 13. In the middle is Isabelly, she's 15.

We were trying to stack on each other's shoulders... lol... we didn't succeed... 


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