A Restart

    Hey fam! Here is a blog where I'll be writing more in detail on what I'm doing. I'm a little new at this so let's see how this goes. : )

    I've been living in Brazil for 4 months now. I had to leave Brazil because of a visa issue but that gave me a chance to see my family in the States. It was a huge blessing as my mom and brother flew from Taiwan to meet me in the States. I haven't seen my family in 9 months so it was really special to see them.

    It was fun seeing my cousins again. We all grew up together so it was cool to see us all growing up being adults. 18 days went by fast as I come back to Brazil. It was an interesting feeling as I felt that Brazil was also my home. I was excited to come back to see everyone again. God gave me rest when I was in the States and He continues to guide my footsteps here in Brazil. 

    I got sick with something similar to Scabies a week before I had to dance for a 15 year old girl's birthday party. As a person who doesn't get sick easily, this really gave me a different perspective on things. It's nothing compared to Job in the Bible, but this brought me to a vulnerable place with God, being fully dependent on Him. God remained faithful as He healed me before the birthday party and I was able to have fun but also continue to abide in the Spirit.

    A day later, Bella and I were sent off to São Paulo for a children's camp with the City of Youth. (City of Youth is also a part of Hope Unlimited.) We were there with a high school outreach team from the States. It was exhausting but we had a lot of fun. Everyday we had devotional in the beginning, then team games, then free time (pool, crafts, volleyball, soccer, prayer tent... ), and then worship, sermon and more games! The day started at 6:30am and ended at 11:00pm for 5 days. I had so much fun and God spoke to me a lot, but I was also ready to go home. 

    We didn't go straight home as we stopped by the airport and received another group of Americans who were here to come visit us at Hope Mountain. I've enjoyed having their company. They remind me a lot of my family. So it's been great to have them so far. Bella's school is starting soon! That would something to pray about.

    Here are some photos!

This was the Ester's 15th birthday party. It's like a sweet 16 here in Brazil. She plays volleyball with us in our team and she used to take courses here at Hope Mountain.

There were over a hundred people at camp. The high schoolers are from San Francisco Menlo Church. Everyday was a day to look forward to. The high schoolers really reminded me of myself when I was that age. Praise the Lord for all the things He did. He is faithful! 

Spent a day in São Paulo in a Japanese town. It reminded so much of home! I enjoyed it so much!!!

Spent a little time at the City of Youth campus. Seeing all the kids again was a huge blessing!!! I hope to see them again soon!!!

Having conversations with them were the best! It was fun trying to use Portuguese as they were trying to use all the English they know. 

This is Bella. The girl that I'm tutoring and helping. She is the founders' daughter.

Back at Hope Mountain. The boy beside me is my very good friend at Hope Mountain. Next to him is Aunt Jenny. She is amazing! She is a part of the American group coming from Gardena Valley Baptist Church. Next to her is my other friend, Amilton. He works at Hope Mountain.


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